This image is a woman in bike gear and helmet with her back to the camera looking out at a sunrise holding a hot cup of coffee

One.Five Revive 

One 1.5 hour 1:1 session

This session is for you if:

  • You want to dip your toe into the coaching process but aren’t quite ready to commit to a longer programme

  • You have a clear goal or idea of where you want to go but aren’t quite sure how to get going

  • You know that you have niggling self-doubts or limiting beliefs that are holding back your success and want to get rid

  • You aren’t quite sure on a specific goal but know you want to feel happier and more confident in certain areas of your life

  • You have a jumble of exciting ideas in your head but not sure how to take the next step

What to expect?

This 90 minute remote session will provide you with a space to explore your thoughts, gain perspective and an opportunity to set goals and intentions to move forward.

Tips and tools to use following the session.

A boost to get you on your way.

What is the investment?

One time payment of £90 for one 90 minute session.